The Zumba party you love at a slower pace with focuses on muscle conditioning and light weight activity using maraca-like Toning Sticks. This qualifies you to teach Zumba classes at hours that are most convenient for you. Personal Trainer Resume Sample Bestresumetemplate Teacher Resume Examples Good Resume Examples Resume Examples Looking for a job - Latest Job Seach Site in India Find Latest jobs Vacancies India Job opportunities by IndustryJobs hiring as per skillsCurrent Job Openings for Freshers Experienced in India. . Yoga Advisor - 6. Attach_money 120 - 2968hour. We offer many class formats from Zumba Indoor Cycling Bootcamp and HIIT Kickboxing Barre Silver Sneakers and more. This layout utilizes box graphics for headings and a prominent header. A total workout combining all the elements of fitness cardio muscle conditioning balance and flexibility boosted energy and fun. Please apply below and include which class fo...